P2P Functionality

Kuick: LIVE Shopping APP
1 min readMay 30, 2022


P2P system is usually maintained by a distributed network of users. Typically, there is no main/ central administrator or server of P2P because each node already hols a copy of the files and the nodes act both as a client as well as a server to other nodes.

This means each node can download files from other nodes or even upload files inside them. This system differentiates P2P networks from other traditional client server systems, where client devices download files from a centralised server.

On P2P networks, connected devices share files stored inside the hard drives and by using software applications that functions to connect the sharing of data, users can query other devices on the network to find and download files. Once user downloads the file they can be the source for that file.

To simplify nodes has 2 functions:

Acting as a client where they can download files from other nodes.

Acting as a server, the nodes are the source to download files and upload other files.

Since node stores, transmits and receive files, P2P networks works faster and more efficient when their user base expands. Their way of architecture also make P2P systems very immune to cyberattacks.

P2P systems can be categorised according to their architecture: unstructured, structured, and hybrid P2P networks.

Source: https://academy.binance.com/en/articles/peer-to-peer-networks-explained

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