Cryptos and metaverse?

Kuick: LIVE Shopping APP
2 min readMay 18, 2022

How are cryptos involved with metaverse or how are these two linked? As metaverse provides a 3D gaming aspect inside the virtual space, it does not cover the whole aspect of human lives, and this is where crypto comes in. Crypto can offer other aspect that is required to provide a smoother/ more efficient use of the metaverse. The functions are digital proof of ownership, transfer of value, governance and accessibility.

But above all mentioned, what does it mean? What role does it play to make it efficient or work?

In the future, if we start applying metaverse for work and socialising, that also means we might have purchases/ transactions of virtual items in the metaverse. Because it is virtual, we also need a secure/ real way of proving/ showing the ownership of this purchase. We also need to feel safe when transferring these items as well as money around the metaverse. Last but not least, we would also like to take part in decision making taking place inside the metaverse that can affect our real lives.

This is where blockchain that is a part of the crypto system comes in. The key aspects of blockchain suited for metaverse are:

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